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Training Courses

Eagles Education and Training - A Smart and Skilled Provider

As a Smart and Skilled Provider, some of our courses are subsidised by the NSW State Government.

To find out more about Smart and Skilled click here.

To learn about the Notification of Enrolment process click here.

This qualification is designed for individuals who need skills to prepare for a vocational pathway qualification or further foundation skills development.


For people across all industries needing qualifications in:


-Emergency life support

-Providing First aid


This qualification is designed for individuals who require further foundation skills development to prepare for workforce entry or vocational training pathways.

Skill Sets

We also deliver a wide range of skill sets aimed at young students who have not yet completed Year 10.

These are aimed to prepare the student for further study or employment

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who are competent in a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) roles depending on their needs.



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